Kindest Artist/Event Painter in Strafford

Kindest Artist/Event Painter in Strafford

If you or your kids have a creative flair and are looking for an outlet to release extra pent up energy, or maybe just need a quiet place for you to do you. Then Dee Artist Hive would be perfect for you!  

Honey Grown Gardens, located on 4 beautiful acres near Springfield, MO, houses a small private art-studio "Dee Artist Hive". Here, Ms. Dee or Mama Dee, as the kids and her friends call her, will encourage kids and adults alike to develop their own personal style over time, through private classes, workshops, art clubs & camps, and craft & painting events, as well as small private gatherings by booking only.

We are here to provide a creative escape from the busy and dull monotony of everyday life. At Dee Artist Hive we add color to a gray existence and help you let your inner demons go, by enjoying friends, music, and Art! Explore your passion for creativity in a welcoming, friendly environment.